Sunday, February 27, 2011

Under the sea! or pool...

Blogging while watching the Oscars. Good times. 
Please excuse my weekend randomness. 

So remember when I said that I was waiting not so patiently for a package from Aunt Rachie?
Well. Here it is. The adorable-ness that is a hat with ears...and matching bowtie.

Um, is she not super talented?!!
I've already BEGGED her to start selling her stuff on ETSY.
This was actually her first shot at something "boy" - not too bad, eh?!

G started his swim class this weekend at the Y, and did great. We joked that he kind of looked bored, his face was very indifferent. But he certainly isn't scared of the water - He kicked like a little maniac!! He was also the youngest one there by a long shot. He's in the "Little Kippers" class where the age range is  6-18 months. I think a lot of them were closer to 1 and above. I'm glad we started him early, though. We have a pool in our development, and will most likely be taking him there a lot in the summer. It's never to early to introduce them to the pool and water!
(I left my camera at the Y Saturday, or I would have a couple swim pics. Hopefully I get it back tomorrow)

Dan and I had our adult nite out Saturday evening. We celebrated our friend Kelby's 30th birthday! Unfortunately, the evening was cut short because of some sort of stomach bug Dan had. 

This morning, Dan and his Dad went the to the UC v Uconn game, while G and I surprised Grandma at her church:) We got to visit her lovely church members again, play with some new friends, and make Grandma smile. Well worth it. 

 Oh, ad it hit 60 out today. YEY! So we took a stroll on over to the playground in the development. I was really excited to push G in a swing. Guess what - NO SWINGS! The playground had multiple slides, a monkey bar thing, pull up bar...but no swings. I was so sad. 
So we let him play on the slide.

 I guess this is fun, Momma

The little nugget started to pull himself up to his toy box and will dig toys out.

Oh, and some serious teething this weekend.
Nom Nom Nom...laundry baskets are DE-LISH.

One more thing. 

I'm going to Nashville! This weekend, my girlfriends and I decided to take a weekend "Girls Only" trip. The kids are staying home with the dads and the ladies are taking two nights to ourselves. 
All I can say is - We have some pretty awesome husbands! 
I'm a little nervous about being away from G, since it WILL be my first time without him, but I'm pretty sure he's going to have an awesome weekend with his dad. I'll of course be getting text pics the whole weekend:)
We'll be leaving on a friday afternoon and coming back Sunday - in April! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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