Wednesday, December 1, 2010

O Christmas Tree

oh where o where is Grayson???

So, after everyone left for CT Sunday morning - Dan, Grayson and I decorated for Christmas. Grayson LOVES lights! So cute. This weekend we're going on a hunt for........a CHOO CHOO TRAIN!!! If anyone has any recommendations for a train - let me know!

We let him play with some of the ornaments :)

Staring at the lights....

This year we put up two trees - the main "big" tree in the living room, and this second one in our foyer. I've actually removed the mirror from behind the tree...I guess I hadn't done that when I took the pics!


  1. Your tree is so pretty! Since we are heading to CT for Christmas I don't think we are getting one, but I MUST get lights! :) Grayson is amazingly adorable, by the way!

  2. 2 trees?! Luckyyyy! Love the pictures of playing with ornaments :) Such a big helper already!
