Monday, November 29, 2010


Ahhh. The family pic. Ha. I have no clue who or what Grayson is looking at, but he certainly isn't looking at the camera. That's fine. He'll hear it from me when he gets older.

The Thanksgiving weekend was sooo nice. Lots of relaxing, shopping, and family/friend fun. I LOOOVE this time of the year - and even though Gray is still really little and doesn't even know what's going on, I want to him experience every ridiculous Christmasy thing. I mean EVERY ridiculous thing (hellloooo Mall Santa!)

There are about 6 posts worth of material in my camera. So, to save you from me blabbing - I'm going to post for the next couple of days.

Here are some pics from the Turkey Weekend.

Christina and I - and Creepy Alan in the background??

Elizabeth and Laura

The Bouchard "Sisters"


My boys..LOVE.

After such a nice weekend, we are rebounding quite well - no sad tears on my end, my family is here. My WHOLE family:)

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