Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1 Month Old

With the addition of baby #2, I definitely have less time to blog ...but I want to make sure I keep a record of Bri's milestones, etc. Right now I'm going to continue documenting through the blog and may change things up down the road. 

1 Month:
Weight: 9 lbs 11 oz - 75% (born at 7 lbs 13 oz)
Length: 22.5 in - 95% (born at 21 in)

I have a feeling she's going to take after her brother in the long/lean department. OY.

Bri is still a REALLY good baby. At nearly 5 weeks, she has us waiting for the "shoe to drop". We had always thought Grayson was a pretty fussy, difficult baby, but didn't realize it until we had a truly good baby. I remember WANTING to go back to work after having Grayson...this time, I'm shocked at how quick it came. Thankfully I only work Part Time this go-around, which will make the transition way easier. That and the insanely easy commute.

  • Has given us 7 (!!!) hour stretches of sleep. It almost kills me to have to wake up and pump while she sits there dreaming away.
  • Gave us her first social smile over the weekend. She has been giving me a ton of them today
  • Takes anywhere between 2-4.5oz of food at a time. We don't chart anything at all and I just feed her on demand. Seems to be working pretty well.
  • Unlike her brother she RARELY spits up. PRAISE THE LORD. (totally jinxing myself there)
  • Has amazing head control just like her brother. We'll hold her upright and she likes to look around and move her head from side to side.
  • In size 1 dipes
  • I just put away her newborn clothes
  • Takes after her dad - looks like she has a long torso and short legs.
  • Her hair is starting to thin out on top. WAHHHH.
  • Farts. A LOT.
  • Has a bowel movement every other day or so.
  • Loves to be held (especially by her dad) in the Maya Ring Sling
  • Really, the only time she cries badly is when she's hungry. She had a fussy period a couple weeks ago, but as soon as I cut out caffeine, the problem went away.
I'm crossing my fingers our sweet little girl stays as sweet as she is. After our exhausting son, it's nice to have a little reprieve.


  1. what the what? why the freak doesn't my baby sleep? i'm jealous!!! i can't believe a month has already passed. it goes so fast the second time around.

  2. oh, congrats!!!! i have been out of the blog world forever, but i'm trying to catch up tonight. she is beautiful! sounds like things are going well too! i'm like you--i didn't realize how hard my first was (audrey) until i had my second, number two and now three is so much easier--thank goodness! i kept waiting for the fussy, hard baby phase to come with lincoln-but it hasn't yet and he is almost 8 months, hopefully it will be the same for you. :)
