30 weeks...with some poufy hair?? Yea, not sure what's up with that..
Lots to do this weekend! Dan is heading back to CT for his brother's bachelor party, while I remain here in Ohio to hang out with some lovely ladies for Laura's Bachelorette party! It's a weekend getaway at Hocking Hills...so excited! The weather is supposed to be beautiful - hopefully I'll have some fun pictures to post when I get back!
Here's for the Weekly Quiz!
How far along: 30 Weeks
Weight Gain: Was very wrong about my weight gain..I actually lost 2 LBs! The doc said it was probably because my appointment was later on in the day last time and I had already eaten stuff. He said I was doing well with a total 14lb weight gain - and that I deserve a milkshake! LOL. I'm pretty sure with the amount of food I will be buying for the Bachelorette party - I'll gain 2 lbs and then some this weekend alone!
Maternity Clothes: Still the same...Maternity shirts a must, about three of my pre-preg pants fit.
Stretch Marks: None Yet!
Movement: Lots of ROLLING. And yes, my back pain is still there. BOO.
Food Cravings:Orange Popsicle. Not sure if that's a pregnancy craving or an "it's 90 degrees out and even if I wasn't pregnant I'd want it.."
What I miss: hmmm. well, sleep. and to be able to walk at a normal pace again.
What I'm looking forward to: THE WEEKEND
Gender: BOY
Belly Button: OUT
Emotions: Excitement and Impatience!
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