Wow. THIRD TRIMESTER. The home stretch!
Part of me can't believe that I only have 12 more weeks..and the same part can't believe I STILL have 12 weeks to go...
Dan and I are making some progress on the Nursery - we(meaning Dan)installed white wood blinds on the one window in the room, along with installing a bookshelf in the closet. We are currently waiting on a glider that was purchased a week ago. Yes, I had said that I really don't care for the look of the glider..but here we are trying one out! I hope I like it!
We are working on getting some items/things to put on the wall. My goal is to have mostly everything ordered/purchased by the end of the month.
How far along: 28 weeks
Weight Gain: 16lbs
Maternity Clothes: Same again...Maternity shirts a must, about three of my pre-preg pants fit. Looking forward to the weather getting nice and those summer dresses I purchased to be worn.
Stretch Marks: None Yet!
Movement: he is most definitely rolling around in there
Food Cravings: cold fruit
What I miss: hmm...I would say walking normally. I feel like I waddle.
What I'm looking forward to: the weekend! Miss Laura's Shower and First Bachelorette party is this weekend. Also- we "may" go in and do a 3d/4d Ultrasound Sunday. Still debating whether we wait another week until he's a little bigger.
Labor Signs: NONE
Gender: BOY
Belly Button: OUT
Emotions: Too many.
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