Monday, January 30, 2012

18 Months and some Updates

18 Months! 

Stats - Height - 33in(75%)
             Weight- 23.3lbs (23%)

We're still a little low on the weight scale, but it looks like we've just got a skinny kid on our hands. Grayson was never a really chubby baby - only once has he made it over the 50% for weight. 

He's gotten much better eating but would probably consume his daily caloric intake in liquid form if we let him. I have a couple smoothie recipes I'm going to try out since he's so good at sucking down anything that's in his sippy cup. 

What he's up to:
  • Mimicks us wayyy more. 
  • He points out his body parts, puts together puzzles, answers to most commands
  • He sits down. finally. I thought the day would never come. He's still not great in restaurants or when he's tied down in a carriage, but if he's at home, we can sit on the floor and play some without him running off and trying to get into something he's not supposed to. 
  • He's starting to put his shoes on himself. This is because he has some weird shoe fetish. 
  • Doctor has put him on Zyrtec for allergies. Not the least bit surprised by this. Grayson almost always has crap in his chest and has a "weezing" sort of breathing. We are trying top prevent going to an inhaler since Grayson has really loved the breathing treatments he's been given {insert sarcasm}
  • Started giving us a hard time at night. We've introduced a lovey for him to sleep with. It's actually the lovey I bought for him while I was in Paris! He seems to really love it - We include "Elly" (Dumbo) in his bedtime routine and when he finally goes to bed we tell him "show Elly how to sleep". When he wakes up we repeat the bedtime process and lay Elly down and try to get G to lay down with him, pat him on the back, ect. We've been  doing this instead of bringing him into bed with us since that seems to be the kiss of death. It's so hard not to bring him in and cuddle with him. Unfortunately, he's not really there to cuddle, but to play. Darn toddler. 
  • He LOVES trains
  • He LOVES tools
  • He LOVES sticking goldfish in his ears. So annoying. 
  • He LOVES going outside. The poor lady at daycare must hate taking him outbecause he screams when he has to come inside!
I think that's it

A couple overall updates: 
  • We are getting ready for G's THIRD trip to Gatlinburg in a couple weeks! In a way, it's good that he hasn't gained that much weight...less for Dan to carry around hiking up the mountain. Ha! 
  • I've got 7 books crossed off my list this month! 
  • Grayson is going have a regular babysitter other then Dan's parents! Annalee came over this past weekend to watch G for the first time while Dan and I headed over to John and Laura's for Lar's 30th bday party. It was perfect timing since J+L only live about 7 minutes away from us. We didn't know how G would act considering he's used to having his grandparents babysit him but he did WONDERFULLY! I am soooo thrilled! We really wanted to get Grayson on good terms with babysitters other then his G-parents - especially someone who can possibly come over for a couple hours on the days I have off work in the summer while I run errands! 

P.S when do they stop eating their toes..I mean really...18 months?!!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year

I really like New Year's Resolutions because I like to have goals in mind.
Here was my list for 2011 - I did pretty well! 

And my 2012 list:

1. Travel MORE with my family: Even though we took four trips last year, 2 of those trips were to CT. This year, I'd like to focus on travelling to places OTHER then CT:) 

2. Continue on our basement purge: While we did a GREAT job purging the basement last year, there are still things we can do to improve it's organization.

3. The "office" or "extra bedroom that we throw junk in" is in desperate need of a cleanout. 

4. Reading more. This is another big one. Last July I had started a book goal and was doing really well with it. During the holidays I kind scaled back a bit, but feel with the new year I can certainly make it my goal. I'm going to start with 25 books read before the end of the year. If you have book suggestions - I'd love to hear them! I've added a tab to the top of the blog and am leaving my book list up with links. I'm already on my third book for the year:)

5. Spend more time with my friends - make going for coffee, meeting up for dinner and girl movie nights a higher priority. I made a big career change just so I could have more balance in my life and I fully intend on taking advantage.

6. My last goal will be the same as last year's "Enjoy the Small things"

Enough about that. We need a quick weekend re-cap:

Our big news this week is that Grayson unbuckled his seatbelt - just the top part - and we *think* he may have figured out the bottom, but aren't sure whether it was just a brain-fart on our end. Thanks to Facebook, we got some great suggestions on how to help prevent G from unbuckling and are going to work on implementing some of the strategies suggested. 

Saturday evening, we got to have a playdate with Zach! It was very fun for both kids and parents.I'm so excited that Christina and Brian are welcoming another little baby into their lives in June. Only 4 more weeks until they find out the sex and we can get shopping!  

We ALSO got to spend time with our friends Chris and Lisa Sunday evening for dinner. I'm pretty sure we're going to start inviting ourselves over to their place every Sunday. Chris is an AMAZING cook and totally spoils our tastebuds every time we visit. It doesn't hurt that G loves his rough play! 

That's about it! 


Fist Bumping!


Hugs goodbye:)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

I feel very behind schedule since I'm used to blogging once a week.

I'll try to do a quick Christmas re-cap!

We got to see Uncle Scott, Aunt Dani and Cousin Felix for Christmas! The boys were quite adorable together if I do say so myself. Us ladies took a trip to the mall at one point and the boys were holding hands in the backseat of the car! MELT. SO ADORABLE. 

We enjoyed a very laid back Christmas Eve and Christmas. Much different to what we're used to. G's first Christmas we spent the day in the car going to and from different households - 3 to be exact! (this apart from the fact that he cut two teeth christmas morning and developed croup) 

We loved getting to open G's gifts with him in the morning and hang out at the house. It's definitely an eye opener to what we'd like to happen from now on. We were much happier with the low-key festivities. 

The same day that Uncle Scott, Aunt Dani and cousin Felix left...Aunt Heder, Aunt Holly, and Heather's BF, Stephen came to visit! We were so lucky to have so much family visiting for the holiday. Once again, we didn't do anything too crazy the days the girls were here...did some shopping, a lot of relaxing, and just caught up on a lot of things. 

While I'm definitely sad to see everyone go, I'm happy that we've gotten to spend a couple days of quite time with just my boys. Grayson also developed a nasty fever the morning of New Years Eve and is still fighting it. This morning he stayed around the 102 range (a much nicer temp then the 104.5 he was rockin' a couple days ago) If the temp is still at 102 tomorrow morning we'll be taking him to see the doc. 

Of course we have some pics! 




Aunt Heder teaching G how to do push-ups


