If you can't tell, I'm completely done with being pregnant. I actually don't mind it that much, but the thought of going too far past my due date makes me want to cry. I don't sleep because I keep thinking that every movement "might" be a contraction, or "might" be my water breaking. I can only do this for another week or so, and then I'm done. Well, I guess not done - but I'll be really unhappy. Ha.
Here's for the Quiz
How far along: 39 Weeks
Weight Gain: 23 lbs still
Maternity Clothes: Sundresses, Maternity Tank Tops and my pre-preg cheer shorts.
Stretch Marks: Still none!
Movement: I actually still have a lot of movement, which at this point it usually slows down because baby loses room
Food Cravings:still got the ice and orange popsicle thing going on...
What I miss: got my ankles back! but would love to bend over and move around like a normal person.
What I'm looking forward to: FOR GRAYSON TO BE BORN!
Gender: BOY
Belly Button: OUT
Emotions: Frustrated
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, and I've had a couple nights where I've had real contractions, but they've only lasted an hour or two.
Weekly Wisdom: I need to keep myself very busy until this little guy is born or else I'm going to drive myself crazy.
Little Grayson, you've been hiding much too long now, and we really want to meet you! Please listen to your mommy, and come visit soon!
One of your MANY cousins