Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving quickie

Thanksgiving weekend was in a word: Awesome. 

We are so so so Thankful to have such wonderful family and friends in our lives to share the holidays with. 

We thoroughly enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving with Dan's parents, Uncle Al and Aunt Meesh. Grayson made sure to give his special open mouthed kisses to Aunt Meesh to show just how much he loves her. MELT. I know for sure that G recognizes his Aunt and Uncle and am continually thankful they get to see him so much. Although 700 miles apart, G definitely has a special bond with those two. This is absolutely one of those times I wish we were closer to family since I KNOW we'd be over each others' house all the time.


Black Friday was super laid back. We didn't go out shopping - just hung out and went out to dinner that night. 


Saturday (Friendsgiving) we went to the mall to get G's picture taken with Santa Clause. He did really well! Wasn't scared at all! He kept looking at Santa like "who are you?!" but didn't cry or whine. Afterwards, walking through the mall was a different story.....
Dan and I brought G home to see if he would nap (which he didn't) and ended up having Uncle Al and Aunt Meesh babysit while we got the house ready, cooked (baked) for Friendsgiving. 

Friendsgiving is our main event - the one big holiday Dan and I host - and it definitely went well. It's so wonderful to kick off the holiday season with our closest friends and family. We had a BLAST watching the kidlets play together. Dan and I stayed up past 1:00am watching Home Alone with the last couple....and I couldn't help but just sit there snuggled next to some good friends, my blanket, my kid upstairs sleeping... and smile. This is, most definitely, the good life.


We said our good byes to Uncle Al and Aunt Meesh last night and this morning woke up to the sounds of Christmas music playing..AHEM. Bring on the Christmas Tree! 

So far, there has only been one ornament casualty......

Our weekend in pictures:

This is what happens when Uncle Al babysits!!

I love this pic:)

G and Z!

Decorating the tree

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful for

This crazy face. much Turkey will fit into that mouth?

I love the pictures that completely sum up Grayson's personality.

Things are about to get crazy around these parts......

Dan and I have fully booked weekends starting this week with Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving...and then giving way to December with work Holiday Parties, Ugly Sweater Party, Formal Girls Dinner Night, The Great Cookie Baking Event and much more. I'm thrilled

Dan and I are not so patiently waiting for Uncle Al and Aunt Meesh to get here tomorrow (really early Thursday morning) -  I'm totally looking forward to relaxing on the couch with a glass or two of wine Thanksgiving with fam. Luckily I don't have to make the Turkey - just a couple sides and some desserts!

What else am I looking forward to?

This weekend we are hosting the annual Friendsgiving this year, like always, and are excited to start including the kids in our family friend tradition. It honestly warms my heart to see everyone together this time of the year. The little kids are getting to the age where they actually sort of play with each other. I'm so hoping this is a tradition that really sticks - so far I believe we have 4 years under our belt! 

On a random side note -

  • Grayson started doing his own somersaults...but won't do them for his grandparents OR the Flip video camera. Hopefully I'll get it on tape soon! 
  • G gained a 1lb (and grew 1/2 inch) since his 15month visit. We're hoping he keeps it up and gains another lb by his 18month check up. 
  • G's gotten to skype with his cousin Felix! They are too cute on video - we hope to keep up the vid chats every couple of weeks:)

And one last pic before we go:

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A little side rant

Say cheese! Umm..................Arrgh Me Matey?

Dear time kid is like off.the.walls. because of you. Look at picture above. Since WHEN does my child smile like that? Is he a pirate??

In reality. this kid is happy. like really happy. i hope that he is always this full of energy, life, and curiosity. i hope he yearns for adventure all the time. and never looks back. 

As you get ahold of this "parenting" realize what "type" of parent you are. We are most definitely NOT helicopter parents to the joy of all my teacher friends:) 
Honestly, we are more laid back about most things then I ever thought I'd be. 

We let Grayson sit in a carriage without a cover {the horror! germs.germs.germs!!!) Wait until your kid falls down at the playground, gets up, looks at their dirt ridden hands and LICKS IT. That my friend, is why no carriage cover will ever save us, or you from germs. Unless you never bring your kid to a playground. Then your O.K. 

We let him, and have been letting him, go down the big slide at the playground {while ANOTHER parent tried to hold his hand} kids' got this. And if he falls, it's going to be O.K. 

We let G climb on pretty much anything {"he's going to fall" - lady at the kids center in Toyota} really? because he does this all day long. He's fine. I'm right here. And yes, I do know my child's capabilities. 

We let Grayson do these things because he's 15 months old. If he's going to do it in front of us, he's going to do it NOT in front of us. We might as well see what he's capable of and figure out where we can use that energy to his benefit (hello! playground) 

Every parent has different comfort levels...and being a pretty fearless person myself (I taught myself how to do gymnastics in my backyard) both Dan and I are very open to him trying things out and being a little reckless. Maybe he's going to be an awesome Mountain Climber one day. Maybe Not. But he's a kid. He's having FUN, and we want to let him run around and get hurt/sick. Wait. Did I say that? Apparently getting hurt/sick is not something some parents are accepting is a possibility. 

I'm pretty sure we're not the only parents you "parent" this way, either. There ARE more of us out there...right??

This isn't to say we don't try to protect him from obvious sicknesses and dangerous situations, but we're not going to keep him in a bubble either.

Ok - that's my rant for today. Each of these instances has a story we won't go into...some actually funny...some just annoying.

And one last picture

Bathtime is when you take pictures of cute babies bathe.

We had an AWESOME weekend - good friends, good food, some down time...and got a bunch of errands done. Looking forward to the busy week:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

I could eat this kid up. right here.

Last year Grayson was just 3 months old and NOT in the mood to trick or treat. Dan and I both remember how painful that day was..G just wouldn't take a nap and was so so SO cranky. He finally went down right before we would've gone trick or treating..

This year was awesome. He was adorable in his little monster costume and completely wanted to walk around the cul-de-sac all night. We went to the parents house first so they could see G all dressed up and then headed back to our street to visit with neighbors and trick or treat more. 

Ladies man, I tell ya. The girls actually asked if they could take him trick or treating with them! 


Ok, this was the funniest part of the night- both Grayson and his cousin Felix had the SAME costume! We had no idea (ok, well Danielle and I found out we got the boys the same costume a couple days before Halloween...but how funny is that?)