It's been a couple weeks since I blogged - but don't you worry - you'll be all caught up by the end of this post.
My family came into town last weekend to visit AND celebrate my dad's 50th birthday. Can we not mention the fact that I had no clue his 50th was this year and was planning something for NEXT YEAR. OY. Dad wanted something laid back, so we just hung out and BBQ'd. That way, he was able to enjoy more time with Grayson.
I had so so so so so SO much fun with two of my sisters Rachael and Holly. It was so nice to catch up with them and really get some quality time in. Grayson was definitely spoiled over the weekend since the sisters and Gramps showered him with toys and love.
After all our visitors had left, it was back to normal life for us - I celebrated my 3 year anniversary at work - yey..and Grayson started teething his molars..not so yey.
Dan and I have come to realize that teething is different for every tooth. No joke. Sometimes we have no clue he's cutting a tooth, and others it's very very obvious. This past Thursday we KNEW that he was teething and honestly weren't sure if something else wasn't up - thought possible ear infection since his nose was leaking and he had a low grade fever. Pediatrician confirmed the teething (uhh.duhh...) but no Ear Infection, just a serious cold.
I will not go into the ridiculousness that was our Thursday night - quite possibly the worst G's been. Ever. Luckily I don't mind not sleeping..Dan on the other hand gets a little crank when he's not had enough Z's. When I got home from work Friday, I definitely had two cranky boys on my hands.
Since Dan was so exhausted, I dealt with the little nugget Friday night, and he ended up being much better - I slept with him Camp-out style on the living room floor, so my back was thanking me Saturday..but it was all worth it to finally see my child sleep.
Our weekend ended up being really wonderful
We woke up and played around the house a bit...I ended up making some homemade Paints for Grayson and I to play with:
Totally Edible and SO much fun!
We then took a trip to the park - the weather was seriously FABULOUS! It was in the 80's!
I'm freeeeeee!!!
Umm. Dad, what is that smell??
Yes, this is how your supposed to use the slide
The Park - and yes, there were actually a couple other, they didn't make it into the pic!
Grayson's light Saber...I mean...Bubbles
Jumping in puddles is so much fun!!!!
Grayson met a friend, a 15 month old Bryce
Sunday we decided to stay low key - so we parked it up again
Kid loves to swing
When we got back home I was going to take G outside to play with some of his toys, but it ended up I made sugar cookies and had him help. Don't worry, Dan was with him the whole time and washed his hand IMMEDIATELY after he "rolled his cookies"
So that was it - our weekend.
Hope everyone else had a fun one too!