Monday, April 25, 2011

The Easter Bunny was here

and brought Aunt Heder and Aunt Howie!

Gosh - it was so fun! Unfortunately, it rained pretty much the whole time the girls were here, but we were able to make the best out of it by shopping, watching movies, and just relaxing chasing G around the house.

Grayson loved every minute of having his Aunties around. He was sooo spoiled with seeing so many family members this week. What makes it better, is that in almost exactly a month, we'll be taking the trip back to CT to visit family and meet G's new cousin Felix. YEY!

A couple quick pics from the weekend:

 oh, how I LOVE mimosas. I think I'm going to make it a weekend morning ritual. Why not?

My sisters 
and since you can't see the writing on Holly's t-shirt - yes, it does indeed say,  "ADORBS"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nashville Y'all

Well, this weekend was quite busy! 

It was my first weekend without Grayson- in Nashville - with my girlfriends. Even though we were only gone two nights, it was still VERY hard to be away. Don't get me wrong, though..I DID have a lot of fun with the ladies:)
I've never been to Nashville, so it was nice to get a sneak peak of what it was all about. There definitely needs to be a second trip down (maybe with Dan and G) so I can really explore the area. Us girls did some shopping, a lot of eating....and a lot of drinking. Champagne, wine, beer and mimosas - no wonder my stomach wasn't doing too well on the drive home Sunday!

We left rather early Sunday because my brother and sister-in-law were in town from CT the same weekend!  The boys went to a Red's Game Saturday, while Grayson was spoiled by Auntie Meesh and Grandma. Boy, does he love his Auntie! He was giving her HUGE smiles. Sooo cute!!!

I got home Sunday evening, just in time for some Meatloaf dinner with everyone! 

Dan and I only worked a 1/2 day yesterday to spend more time with Al and Michelle. We were so happy they came out to visit. G was spoiled, Michelle and I got to finally catch up, and Dan got to spend some time with his brother. 
We finished off the weekend with Dinner at our house...and dancing with the stars, of course!

Some pictures of our weekend:

 In the car on the way

Lunch at Burger - UP. With some very yummy mimosas

To die for GiGi Cupcakes

Getting ready for dinner

we love our dance parties

Dinner at Sambuca - DELISH

 Out and about

Some lovely ladies

Of course I don't have any pictures of G with Al and Michelle. Boo. I swear I thought I took at least one. 

Now that Al and Michelle left, we have two days to ourselves, before the loudest human beings known to mankind come to visit.

I'm not joking. They're seriously loud. 

I'm so excited! I haven't seen Holly since Christmas, and I, of course, love seeing Heather. I'm already counting down to the weekend. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Weekend

Another one bites the dust
p.s - video of rach playing the piano, and G walking with his "walker" at the end

Once again, this weekend was pretty exciting. Exciting in the wake up at 2:00am Saturday morning to take your son's temp and it's 106. Luckily, that doesn't surprise me anymore. No panic attacks this time.

From our last bout with high fever, we know that this is G's way of fighting off infection (oh, hello double ear infection. It's nice to meet you.) 
A phone call to the pediatrician, a quick visit to the office, and we were armed with a stronger antibiotic, and are currently well on our way to recovery. 

That being said - SaturDAY, was not so fun. Fred emerged (G's alter ego) and he was pretty cranky, miserable, and just hard to deal with. If your a parent, I'm sure all your sweet children have their own alter ego out there. Thankfully, Fred doesn't emerge too much. 

Even though G was a little lotta crank, Dan's parents insisted we still take our date night. We were supposed to do date night and hang with friends afterwards, but, with the way Fred had emerged, we didn't want to scare off the grandparents forever. We like them!

Going out for just a couple hours Saturday night was truly a breath of fresh air. Ever other time we've had someone sit, we've gone to a group event, party, ect. We've only really had 2 dates nights where it was JUST Dan and I! After yesterday, we are certainly going to take advantage of the grandparents a little more often!

Today, G was...G again! 

Of course we had to go see the Easter Bunny - and shop for some much needed summer clothes. G has a brand new wardrobe that is absolutely adorable. He is getting his 9 Month (OMG) pictures taken this week,  and I had NOTHING to put him in. With Grandma's help, we were able to get him a SUPER cute outfit that will be perfect for his pictures:)

Below are some pictures from our weekend.

No, I did NOT let him eat the whole cookie. Are you crazy?

"Momma, I would like another nibble. NOW"

"Walking's my favorite"

The Easter Pic. He's too happy. I love it.

I completely meant to post a video of when my sister came to visit and played the piano with G. It's a short, quick video, but it makes me smile. 

Please keep in mind that the piano has not been tuned in years...and it's not so easy to play with an 8 month old on your lap!

Below is video of G walking with his little "walker toy". He's getting pretty good at it! (this was taken last week - so he's much better now)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Night Blogs

What we do in our spare time

G doesn't look too thrilled

Blogging on a Friday Night = peacefulness. For now.

This weekend is going to be busy. Easter bunny visits, shopping, date night (yea), and 80 degree weather. Yup, I'm thinking it's going to be just lovely.

Hopefully, I have some hilarious bunny pics to post after the weekend. 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We are the champions, my friend

Ah. So dramatic. 
Last night's game was pretty bad...but we won anyway! Lots of excitement in the Bouchard household. 
I mean, look at G. He's downright STUNNED. 

In other news - G is starting to walk with a little walker thingy (I'm so eloquent). It's not an actual walker, but something that he can stand at and push. ADORBS. 

We're still in the process of finishing our playroom, which will *hopefully* be done within the next couple of weeks. All of G's toys are already in the room, and we've got most of the furniture set up the way we need it too - we just need some wall art inspiration. 

Hope everyone's having a great week!